Is Your Website Holding You Back?
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When it comes to healthcare marketing strategies, website design is just as important as your strategies for social media marketing. Why? Because if your potential patients can’t get what they want or need from your website, they most likely will not be visiting again.
While the impending threat of losing traffic to either your healthcare social media sites and website may sound scary, sprucing up your medical website design is a lot easier than you may think. In order to reach your audience and keep them coming back, you need four things: easy navigation, a top search hit, inspired content and consistency.
Here’s how to build up your website to make the mark on all four:

1) Navigation
The way your website reads to your visitors is the number-one thing you need to consider when it comes to healthcare website design. You can have the nicest-looking site on the web, but if your visitors can’t find what they’re looking for, they won’t stick around.
Don’t overwhelm visitors with too many menu options; keep your content clear and concise. Put yourself in your patients’ shoes – if you were looking for information on orthotics or dental crowns, what intuitive signs would you look for to find the information you need?

2) SEO
In order for your medical or dental audience to find your healthcare practice website, you need to make sure you’re a top hit on search engines. One way to get up there is to use search engine optimized keywords and phrases throughout your site. Adding a blog is an easy way to do that, but you can also use search terms in your “About” page blurb or in a list of services that your practice offers.
3) Inspired Content
Spruce up your site design by including a blog with inspired content. You don’t have to write about a groundbreaking discovery, but including content that is important to your practice and your patients will help you connect with them and incite them to come back.

4) Stay Consistent
Another important factor to keep in mind when improving your healthcare website design is to ensure that you have consistency throughout your site. What information gets to be included on your site? And is that information consistent and up-to-date?
If you want to share news items, make sure that the information is not only relevant to your readers but is something that’s important to you and your medical or dental practice. If you’re having a special deal or event, make sure to announce the details leading up to the date, but also make sure you update when it’s over. And if you choose to post blogs and have news items, stick to a regular schedule so your audience knows that they can stay up-to-date on your site.
To learn more about how Practice Builders can help improve your healthcare website design, contact a marketing consultant at 800.679.1200 or by email at