Take advantage of nontraditional healthcare marketing media.
Posted onTake advantage of nontraditional healthcare marketing media.
Not long ago, traditional media such as Yellow Pages ads and print collateral were mainstays of the healthcare marketing mix. Not so today. Today, it’s about having the right mix of traditional and e-media marketing strategies to achieve your objectives…
Identify the right strategies to reach your target audience
There may always be a need for printed materials such as practice capabilities brochures and patient information sheets. In some small, rural markets across America and in certain health specialties, there is still a place for Yellow Pages ads, too. There are still places in America where people don’t own or use computers. But the greatest potential for new marketing opportunities today is on the Internet.

Over 110 million Americans routinely search the Internet for all kinds of health information, services and support. To reach your share of this enormous audience, you need an effective Internet presence. Your first basic necessity is a well developed and designed functional website that communicates your unique brand, benefits and services to healthcare consumers. Your website should be easy to navigate, easy to use, easy on the eyes and sufficiently interactive to engage visitors.

Your second basic necessity is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Without good SEO, your website will languish in obscurity, unnoticed by the people you most want to reach. Invest in good SEO and your rewards will be worth every penny.
Beyond your basic online marketing necessities
Once you have an effective website and good SEO, you should consider tactics that will make your site “sticky” or hard to leave. Offer visitors some variety with an interactive e-brochure they can marvel at and download, an e-video (think YouTube) they can learn from or a blog they can add their own comments to. Add social networking links and more interactivity through FaceBook, YouTube and Twitter.
Can’t find expert healthcare internet marketing help in you area? Maybe Practice Builders can help. Call 855-898-2710 or email us at info@practicebuilders.com and get the right answers to your marketing questions today.