Review Your 2016 Marketing Plan

It’s time to make your personal New Year’s resolutions, so why not also make an important business resolution? Resolve to review and update your healthcare marketing plan for 2016. Here are some points to consider when reviewing your marketing plan to make your medical or dental healthcare practice successful…


Analyze What’s Working

Review your marketing plan to identify the strategies that worked best in 2015 as well as the ones that didn’t. In order to get an accurate assessment, you should use analytics to help you determine how much traffic your website, mobile website, mobile app, social media posts and blog posts received and how much of your traffic converted into new patients. Practice Builders can help you track website effectiveness with a free one-minute web evaluation at:

Review Your 2016 Marketing Plan

Manage Your Reputation

Have you checked out all your online reviews lately? With dozens of review sites (including many you may not be aware of) now being used by more and more healthcare patients, you need to stay abreast of what patients are saying about you and your practice. Sign up for your complimentary Online Reputation Assessment and find out at:

Staff Training

In addition to providing customer service and/or case conversion training for your staff, have you included them in your marketing programs and strategies? Being informed and up-to-date on any new social media programs or online marketing outreaches will empower them to support your marketing efforts and be more helpful to your patients.