Make Your Website Content Patient-Friendly & Informative

Now that 80 percent of American consumers are turning to the Internet for healthcare and provider information, it’s critically important for you to have a website that is both patient-friendly and informative. Patients want information they can trust and you are in a unique position to deliver it.

Your website should be easy to navigate and contain relevant information about the conditions you treat and the services or procedures you provide. From the consumers’ perspective, that kind of information is far more important and valuable than, say, your office’s billing and insurance practices.

Make Your Website Content Patient-Friendly & Informative

Always present your information in plain language – the voice of the consumer – rather than clinical doctor-speak. Keep in mind that the average American consumer reads at a 7th- to 8th-grade level, so you are wise to avoid providing content that is over the patient’s head. The goal is to facilitate a clear understanding of the care you can deliver and the benefits that the patient can gain by coming to your practice.