One More Reason Healthcare Needs Social Media

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One More Reason Healthcare Needs Social Media

Google and Twitter Partner on Search Again The new “Googleverse” will soon index all your doctor-patient tweets and make them searchable by patients in real time, according to industry sources. The search moguls at Google and social media powerhouse Twitter … Continue reading

Who Is Patient 2.0 and Why Should You Care?

Posted on by Practice Builders

Who Is Patient 2.0 and Why Should You Care?

Today’s typical patient is dramatically different from the typical patient a generation ago. According to Pew Research, nine out of 10 American adults now use the Internet regularly. And that figure is even higher among certain demographics. For example, Internet … Continue reading

Why Patients and a Growing Number of Doctors Prefer Concierge Medicine – Part 2 of 2

Posted on by Practice Builders

Why Patients and a Growing Number of Doctors Prefer Concierge Medicine – Part 2 of 2

According to the Concierge Medicine Research Collective, which has been studying consumer demand for concierge or direct care models for years, the number of patients seeking concierge medical care is far greater than the actual number of concierge doctors and … Continue reading

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