Blogging: Your Ultimate Tools for Generating Leads and Improving Your Online Reputation

Posted on by Practice Builders

Blogging: The Ultimate Tool for Generating Leads and Improving Online Reputation

Like healthcare itself, healthcare marketing presents an ever-changing landscape of possibilities. The best marketing strategies from yesterday may not be the best options for today or in the future, especially when it comes to what healthcare marketing companies like to … Continue reading

10 Proven Lead Generation Strategies for Your Medical Practice

Posted on by Practice Builders

10 Proven Lead Generation Strategies for Your Medical Practice

Does this situation sound familiar to you? You have been successfully growing your medical practice through word-of-mouth referrals and retaining existing patients; you have a healthy online reputation, experienced staff and things are going very well. However, you have lately … Continue reading

10-Point Checklist to Up Your Word-of-Mouth Marketing Strategy

Posted on by Practice Builders

10-Point Checklist to Up Your Word-of-Mouth Marketing Strategy

Word-of-mouth marketing continues to be one of the most effective marketing strategies for healthcare marketers. According to a Nielson study, nearly 92 percent of people trust recommendations from their family and friends more than other forms of advertising. Using word-of-mouth … Continue reading

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