Have You “Crisis-Proofed” Your Medical Practice’s Online Reputation?

Posted on by Practice Builders

Have You “Crisis-Proofed” Your Medical Practice’s Online Reputation?

If you are one of the many healthcare marketers who believe in the adage, “There’s no such thing as a bad reputation,” we’d suggest you think about it again. This age-old saying has become one of the biggest myths in … Continue reading

The ‘Secret’ Doctor Healthcare Marketing Strategy That Will Make or Break Your Practice

Posted on by Practice Builders

The 'Secret'’' Doctor Healthcare Marketing Strategy That Will Make or Break Your Practice

There is a secret healthcare marketing strategy we have seen over the years that makes and breaks more medical practices than any other approach. The reason we call it is “secret” is not that hardly anyone knows about it, but … Continue reading

Influencer Marketing: Big Impact Even With a Small Budget

Posted on by Practice Builders

Influencer Marketing: Big Impact Even With a Small Budget

2019 is almost here and healthcare marketers are planning their strategy for the next year. Every medical practice wants to get its name out there and attract more and more patients. However, when you are a new practice with a … Continue reading

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