5 Fundamentals for Building an Effective Medical Practice Website

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5 Fundamentals for Building an Effective Medical Practice Website

As a medical practitioner, your ultimate goal of having a website is to provide patients the information to learn more about your practice and services. Hopefully, those informed patients will make an appointment or contact your practice, resulting in a … Continue reading

11 Modern Solutions for Effective Hospital Marketing

Posted on , last updated on 08/19/2022 by Practice Builders

11 Modern Solutions for Effective Hospital Marketing

How can you market your hospital clients and increase your patient base more effectively? There isn’t one single way to answer this question. While marketing hospitals requires brand-building or sales support, it also takes more, much more. It should also … Continue reading

Your “Good” Waiting Area May Not Be “Good Enough”

Posted on by Practice Builders

Your "Good" Waiting Area May Not Be "Good Enough"

So, your waiting room. With almost every aspect of healthcare transforming, the traditional waiting room is changing, too. Forward-thinking medical practices are introducing newer concepts and tools to make patients more productive, educated and engaged even when they are sitting … Continue reading

Staff Training Can Set Clear Boundaries in Handling Difficult Patients

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Staff Training Can Set Clear Boundaries in Handling Difficult Patients

Angry, dissatisfied, defensive or difficult patients. Managing difficult patients is a frequent challenge faced by healthcare providers. The hostile patient, the aggressive patient, the overly demanding patient, the excessively anxious patient, the know-it-all patient and the compulsive complainer patient. If … Continue reading

How Can a Physician Liaison Program Grow Your Practice’s Referrals?

Posted on by Practice Builders

How Can a Physician Liaison Program Grow Your Practice’s Referrals?

Doctors and specialists are constantly looking for more referrals. This is probably their biggest marketing goal. But not many medical practitioners put a plan in place to ensure a steady stream of referrals through their doors. The most simple and … Continue reading

The Hows and Whys of Patient Reviews – Surefire Ways to Get Positive Online Reviews

Posted on by Practice Builders

The Hows and Whys of Patient Reviews – Surefire Ways to Get Positive Online Reviews

Reviews are influential. They are powerful. Online reviews are the foundation for building your reputation. Simply put, reviews tell the world what your patients think of your practice. If online reviews of your practice are mostly positive and patients are … Continue reading

17 Content Sources to Keep Your Social Media Posts Buzzing

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17 Content Sources to Keep Your Social Media Posts Buzzing

When it comes to healthcare marketing, content is the most critical component. Similar to other businesses trying to establish their brand in the digital marketplace, your medical practice can boost its reach and credibility by publishing high-quality content that is … Continue reading

SWOT Analysis in Healthcare: A Self-Exam to Identify Primary Areas of Focus

Posted on , last updated on 04/18/2023 by Practice Builders

SWOT: A Self-Exam to Identify Primary Areas of Focus

Business marketing books are often aimed at MBAs who understand marketing jargon, not busy medical practitioners. As a result, you may not fully understand the steps necessary for growing your medical practice and attracting new patients. You may have survived … Continue reading

20 Most Effective Doctor Marketing Tips for Attracting New Patients and Growing Your Practice

Posted on by Practice Builders

20 Most Effective Doctor Marketing Tips for Attracting New Patients and Growing Your Practice

Effective marketing is powerful. Successful medical practices understand the value of having an integrated marketing strategy that includes traditional and online marketing to reach, attract and retain patients. Having an effective strategy and knowing your target audience is imperative for … Continue reading

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